Success Story from Emmental
The industrial excellence and unconditional commitment to the quality of our family-owned company Moser-Baer are valued all over the world. Precise time-keeping and technology, perfect Swiss quality, rigorous innovation, and top service ensure first-class products, solutions, and services.
Our comprehensive knowledge and extensive experience in precision mechanics, electronics production, and information technology are turned into technologically high-quality products at Moser-Baer. This is where the best modern development and production infrastructure is combined with the highest level of manufacturing expertise.
Time synchronization systems as well as NTP time servers and clock systems are developed, produced, and sold under the MOBATIME brand. Our medical technology, including surgical instruments for trauma surgery, orthopedics, and sports medicine for the spine, shoulders, hips, and joints is used in operating rooms.
As a customer, you benefit from our precision, optimized processes, maximum flexibility, and the availability of our systems and solutions. The manufacturing quality of Moser-Baer products leaves nothing to be desired.
Moser-Baer has sales companies from Germany to India in addition to production sites in Switzerland, the Czech Republic, and Russia. This also guarantees excellent support. Moser-Baer’s customer focus is legendary.
Our Parent Company
Analog clocks are still produced at our parent company in Sumiswald to this day. Our parent company also produces master clocks and other products for time allocation, time synchronization, and time reference. A dedicated team of specialists in precision mechanics, electronics, and information technology is responsible for development and production. A total of around 150 employees work on site, of which around 20 are apprentices.
Who We Are is How We Lead
Leading means taking responsibility. At our home location in Emmental as well as at all other locations of the Moser-Baer group around the globe.
Under the leadership of CEO Reto Reist, a well-positioned management ensures smooth processes, fluid communication, and modern work conditions.
Together, this management team assumes responsibility for world-class performance as well as for a healthy balance between work and personal life for all employees.

Responsibility is Important
Taking responsibility means more than a verbal commitment to a balance between work and personal life.
Our attitude is shaped by the knowledge that the success of a company depends heavily on what it does with its people, how it involves them in business, and what it offers them. Opportunities for promotion-oriented further training are just as much a part of this as a good feedback culture and solid conflict management.
In addition, we put a lot of effort into employee health and especially with regard to workplace safety.
At the same time, the goal of our long-term, sustainable thinking in the best sense of the term is to secure existing jobs and thus support the location and region. It goes without saying that we use regional suppliers whenever possible.
Constant innovation has turned our small watch company in a sleepy corner of Switzerland into a global group. We will let the numbers speak for themselves.
525 employees
3 core competencies
Swiss made
7,000 sqm of
12 branches
Roots in Emmental
150 countries supplied
9 languages
200,000 items
7,000 customer orders
Sustainable Thinking
Conserving resources is one of the most important things we do. Moser-Baer is currently establishing a competence center that has the task of optimizing our processes with respect to sustainability. A step we have already taken was to stop outsourced processes that resulted in unnecessary CO2 emissions and to do as much as possible in house.
We work with certified raw materials and substances whenever possible. Our production is environmentally friendly. We produce as little waste as possible. The remaining waste is consistently sorted.

Rigorous Quality Thinking
Moser-Baer stands for Swiss quality. Our quality requirements are met by a strict quality policy and a comprehensive quality management system.
Rigorous quality thinking is in our blood. Our ultra-modern machinery and the most precise control instruments ensure absolutely flawless products. We keep up with the latest trends and also use the newest materials in the process. Carbon-fiber-reinforced materials, for example, offer completely new options for implant manufacturers.

A whole series of legally independent companies are united under one roof at Moser-Baer Holding AG. They have a flexible, powerful focus on their respective markets.

Moser-Baer AG
Moser-Baer AG
Spitalstrasse 7
CH-3454 Sumiswald
P: +41 34 432 46 46
Leitner AG
Amselweg 1
CH-3292 Busswil
P: +41 32 331 30 77
Mobatime AG
Stettbachstrasse 5
CH-8600 Dübendorf
P: +41 44 802 75 75
Mobatime SA
En Budron H20
CH-1052 Le Mont-sur-Lausanne
P: +41 21 654 33 50
Bürk Mobatime GmbH
Steinkirchring 46
D-78056 VS-Schwenningen
P: +49 7720 8535 0
JakuTec Medizintechnik GmbH & Co. KG
Auf der Höhe 15
D-78576 Liptingen
P: +49 7465 926 0
Mobatime France SAS
1, Lieu-Dit Le Petit Bourneau
Saint-Hilaire du Bois
49310 Lys-Haut-Layon
Phone: +33 6 47 11 98 51
Tecnicronos S.L.
Industrial Rekalde 1 (Local 34)
E-20018 Donostia-San Sebastián (Gipuzkoa)
P: +34 943 27 40 47
Elekon, s.r.o.
Brnenska 411/15
CZ-682 01 Vyškov
P: +420 517 302 000
Elektročas, s.r.o.
Podebradská 22
CZ-190 00 Prag 9
P: +420 266 311 085
Elekon, s.r.o.
Moyzesova 23
SK-033 01 Liptovský Hrádok
P: +421 44 522 49 00
Mobatime India Private Limited
Office No. TS 1503–1505, 14th Floor,
Galaxy Blue Sapphire,
Plot No. C–03, Sector–4,
Greater Noida (West),
Uttar Pradesh–201309, India
P: +91 (120) 690 9572
Always Keeping the Future in Mind
An unconditional commitment to quality, a vision to help shape the technology of the future, and the ability to grow organically – these aspects are consistent throughout the history of the Moser-Baer group.
Leitner AG sets up a new building in Busswil to increase production capacities.
Expansion and conversion of the production facilities and relocation of the warehouse in Sumiswald.
Moser-Baer celebrates its 80th birthday with a magnificent celebration and international guests.
The medical technology company Leitner AG is acquired in Busswil.
A new company building is opened for MOBATIME Systems GmbH, St. Petersburg.
MOBATIME China is opened, and the production area in Sumiswald is expanded by 500 m2.
A Mobatime liaison office is opened in New Delhi, India, and MOBATIME India Pvt. Ltd. two years later.
Dübendorf becomes the headquarters of MOBATIME Swiss AG/SA
MOBATIME Systems GmbH, St. Petersburg, is founded.
Moser-Baer Holding AG is founded.
Electronics are manufactured for a coffee machine.
The assets of Bürk Zeitsysteme, Schwenningen, Germany, are acquired, and Bürk Mobatime GmbH is founded. The electronics for a flow meter are developed and manufactured.
Diem SA Zeitsysteme, Geneva, formerly Patek Philippe Electronics, is acquired.
Investments are made in the clock factory Elekon GmbH, Vyskov, Czech Republic.
Electronics are manufactured for an altimeter; mechanical assembly for the Swiss Army’s Leopard battle tank.
The brand name MOBATIME is introduced. A mold testing device is developed and manufactured for foundry technology.
The watch division of FAVAG, Neuchâtel, is acquired.
Electromechanical assemblies for the “Rapier” anti-aircraft missile and later for the “Stinger” as well.
Electromechanical assembly for the “Dragon” anti-tank guided missile and later for the “Tow II” as well.
J. Bosshard SA is acquired, which will become MOBATIME Swiss AG in 2002; manufacturing of surgical instruments for orthopedics and traumatology begins.
A high-speed film camera with 3000 frames per second is developed and produced.
Electromechanical assembly for the ejection seat of the “Mirage” for the Swiss Air Force.
Our sole proprietorship becomes the stock corporation “Uhrenfabrik W. Moser-Baer AG.”
Moser-Baer manufactures assemblies for the “Venom” Swiss Air Force plane.
The famous train station clock of the Swiss Federal Railways is created in close collaboration with engineer and designer Hans Hilfiker.
Wilhelm Moser signs an exclusive sales contract for time systems from J. Bosshard SA in Lausanne and Zurich. Moser-Baer produces high-speed telegraph devices and assemblies for the Swiss Air Force “Vampire” aircraft fighter.
Responsibility in difficult times: An autonomous pension fund is launched.
Wilhelm Moser founds the sole proprietorship “W. Moser-Baer Uhrenfabrik” in Summiswald, Switzerland, initially in the tradition of the Sumiswald pendulum clocks.